Sunday, January 6, 2019

Thing 3: Photo Fun

I joined Instagram!

I've been part of the Facebook world for a while now, and I told myself that one social media membership was enough. There are so many out there that I wasn't sure if I would have time for another. With the way education is going, why not? I can always try something new, see what I learn from it and then gauge whether or not I will continue with it over time.

Things I've noticed -
1) A lot of my Facebook friends are on IG
2) There are a ton of #hashtags that I have to get used to using
3) Lots more filters than what I'm used to

I've always had a debate with myself over whether or not to connect with students on social media sites. I know that creating relationships with students is a number one priority in my career and life so that they feel safe in my classroom learning from me, but I didn't want to invite them too far into my life through social media.

Now that I am new to IG, I can aim in keeping this more geared towards education and connecting with students. I can post pictures from when I'm doing my "teacher homework" (PDs, creating lessons, attending workshops) so that they can see that side of me. Being so new to this site though, I have so much exploring to do. Maybe a student or two can help teach me? I know that they know more than I do, and with them sharing their experience and knowhow, they can feel as good as I feel when teaching someone something new!

As I learn more about IG, I will continue to share and develop and figure out new ways to connect with kids!

Until then, follow me on IG at jmacalways

1 comment:

  1. That's a good idea to keep one account for sharing with students and parents. Keeping in mind that the students might not want to share with you. :) And definitely have them help you get started. They'd have fun with that.
