Monday, January 28, 2019

Final Reflection

I am so happy I decided to take this course. I feel that tech tools change and new ones are made every day that I have a hard time keeping up with them all. I am so happy that this PD was offered and had already pin-pointed so many tools out there to help direct us, but give us independence at the same time!
While I truly enjoyed every aspect of this course, I will say that I had difficulty deciding on which tools to pick! There were so many to choose from and to try to narrow it down to what is "manageable" to use in my career as well as what would be "fun" at the same time being useful for me. I had the most fun with Bitmoji, learned a lot from Supporting English Language Learners and have been using Instagram a lot in my daily life and have been using it more and connecting with students.

Moving forward, I would love to learn more! I know there are more projects out there that I have heard people talking about and having the opportunity to learn about them independently and on my time is right up my alley. I really want to learn about Google Drawing, Green Screen Fun, Screencasting and Screensharing, and more that I want to read up on because I have never heard of them before!

Here's to continued learning!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a good experience with the workshop! And yes, there are way too many tools available! :) My challenge is narrowing each lesson down enough that it isn't horrifically overwhelming, but still has enough to interest everyone from K to 12 and across all subject areas. Hope you'll sign up for another session and explore some more tools. Thanks for participating.
